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Dog Sponsorship

With the Dog Sponsorship you are supporting all dogs of our kennel. Currently we are having 57 dogs at our facility. Beside the racing team dogs we are having retired dogs which are enjoying their life with trips to the Swedish mountains and the little extra one by one time and treats. Furthermore we have our young dogs which receive training to get a future race dog. Not to forget our house dogs which entertain the other dogs and just enjoy their life with us and around the property.


In return we visualize your name and home country on our homepage. Furthermore you will receive a special christmas present.



The Dog Sponsorship is meant for private persons, if your having a company and are interested in a Coporate Sponsorship please check out the page of the same name and don't hesitate to contact us. Monthly costs for the Dog Sponsorship is € 15,- and runs for one year. For additional € 10,- monthly you can get an exclusively sponsor for one dog and will be mentioned with the dog on our homepage. In return we send you a picture of your sponsored dog. Payments are made to AT39 2050 3013 0109 1870. Please contact us for your registration today!


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