The Eskimo pack
The Eskimo pack
The Eskimo pack
AUJUITTUK Esquimaux Kennel​
Race - Team Sponsorship
On our way to succeed!
Season 2024/25 there is a big event coming up: The World Championships in Röros, Norway and we are planing to participate in the long distance disciplin and competing at Femundlopet 450km.
As everybody in this sport we allways appreciate all help we can get with the hugh amount of costs! With that, there is your unique chance to support the only long distance racing team in Europe competing with pure breed Canadian Eskimo Dogs!
Season 2024/25 we start the training with 11 Siberian Huskies and 4 Canadian Eskimo Dogs. The final race team will consist of 8 dogs at our main event the Femundlopet. If you would like to support us, please choose one or more of the below mentioned dogs who will potentialy make it to the final racing team.
Monthly costs for the Team Sponsorship is € 30,- and runs for the upcomiung season from October to April. For your support you can get an exclusively sponsor for one or more chosen dogs of the racing team and will be mentioned with the dog on our homepage. Payments are made to AT39 2050 3013 0109 1870. Please contact us for your registration today!
In return we visualize your name and home country on our homepage. Furthermore you will receive a birthday and christmas present. If your chosen dog makes it to Femundlopet, a special surprise is waiting for you!